The sun provides the heat through solar radiation that enables life to exist on earth.  Magnetic activity on the sun affects our climate due to many processes on the sun such as the flipping of the magnetic poles about every 11 years.  Amazingly, the earth's temperature has not varied dramatically over the years but relatively small changes can cause havoc.  The "little ice age" occurred from the 16th century to the 19th century.  It was most pronounced in the North Atlantic even though the global temperature dropped less than 0.5 oC.  

Now the world is obsessed with global warming that scientists believe is due to green house gases even though there is no data to support that theory.  In fact, there has been a cooling period in the 20th century in the 1970s,

The news of the 1970s was full of stories by recognized climate experts about the coming ice age due to abnormally cooler weather across the globe.  "It is a matter of conventional wisdom now that the Earth was significantly cooler during 1960s compared
to the 21st Century."

Global Cooling was the news in the 1970's

Similarly, no one disputes that the planet’s surface temperature was 1.2 oC lower in
the beginning of the 20th Century compared to the present. This paradigm of climate change is based on
surface temperature records maintained by several research teams that show remarkable consistency
with one another." 

The reconstructed surface solar radiation based temperature record agrees quite well with the satellite observations from 1982 to the present but the reconstruction shows a cooling in the 1970s that is not shown in one of the most widely used temperature records.  This disparity seems to imply that the researchers in charge of the HadCRUT (Hadley Climate Research Unit Temperature -The Hadley Center of the UK Met office) database removed the cooling trend data from 1962-1983 from the data set to bias the data to support the global warming theories. 

Note the disparity between the Surface Solar Radiation (SSR) estimates and the "official record" databases that don't show the well known cooling period of the 1970's.  The media and the mainstream climate community deny that the cooling of the 1970s took place despite hundreds of media articles that covered the stories.  In fact, the climate change community will attack anyone that publishes data about this period.  The cooling episode indicated by the SSR data is corroborated by more than 115 magazine and newspaper articles published throughout the 1970s as well as a classified CIA Report from 1974 all quoting eminent climatologists of the day, who warned the public that the observed worldwide drop of temperatures threatened the global food supply and economic security.

Note the decrease in SSR starting about 1965 through 1985 which indicates global cooling that is not shown in the climate literature today.   The research paper on the new data set by Yuan et. al. can be found here.

SSR Update

This video is a critical analysis of the Greenhouse Effect concept, which is at the heart of present climate projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The video lays out evidence and provides discussions that you have likely not seen before. You will learn about an emerging physical Paradigm in climate science that resolves numerous problems of the radiative “Greenhouse" theory and offers a whole new perspective on climate change and the societal response to it... A great effort has been made to ensure a graphically rich content that is understandable to both laymen and experts in the field of climatology:     Demystifying the Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect